2011年1月16日 星期日





荃灣官立夜中學由四座長方型建築物串連而成,從上空望下來,皓似一座山谷,側面是流向大海的缺口,前方是大校門,山谷後面是一連山脈 – 學校禮堂,實在是涼風颼颼,風景怡人。





學校裏的生活多姿多彩,同學們一張張天真的面孔,給我一陣陣的喜悅和一串串會心的微笑,在我的腦海中,浮現出我的小時候所遇到的同學 - 有的怱怱忙忙,有的十分懶散,有的自怨自艾,有的勤奮用功,有的好像是被逼讀書似的,但是,其實是沒有人強逼他們的啊!又或者,只是社會上的制度,令他們逼不得已要讀書而已。以我推論,這是他們情緒上的宣洩。










2011年1月12日 星期三

2011年1月11日 星期二

My friend, Pat, has a problem and he doesn't know what to do. He wishes me to give him advice.

His family are moving to Shanghai because his mum has got a job there. His parents have said that he can either go with them or stay in Hong Kong with his aunt. What do I think he should do? (Pl. write as a e-mail.)

Dear Pat,

Hi, I know how you feel but frankly you shouldn't be too worried about it. Truly speaking, Shanghai and Hong Kong are big cities. If I were you, I would certainly have difficulties in deciding which place I would settle down in future. Well, let us discuss them in detail.

There are advantages and disadvantages for both of the options. Let us say the good points first. If you choose to stay in Hong Kong with your aunt, you will have more freedom. Your aunt looks after you, she will never tighten to control you. As a result, you will be more independent, try to make decision by yourself, take good care of yourself. In other words, your personal quality is improved. You will be more mature, smarter yet happier. Moreover, studying in Hong Kong is free. You know, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has launched a 12-year free education since 2007. It is noted that the qualifications obtained are accredited globally, that is, the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination and the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination. However, I think there are two disadvantages. If you stay in Hong Kong, you will miss your parents. You will feel lonely. Do you think so?

On the other hand, if you move to Shanghai with your family and your parents, you will move to a great city. China is rising in the world nowadays. You will encounter widener exposure on culture, code of practice and policy of China. There are more potential opportunities, better job and business chances ahead of you. In addition, you learn Putonghua. It increases your proficiency of career to communicate with business partners and colleagues. Your mum and dad will take care of you carefully. Although they will keep an eye on you, they have deep concern about you. If I were you, I would not reckon that I got less freedom. By the way, you will meet new friends, dropping in good network and social networking in China. Your career is bright full of opportunities. You know, China is a city of 'guan see' or better say 'relationship', and you will learn much from your friends. However, I think there are two disadvantages. The English standard in China is lower than Hong Kong. The international school's fee is very expensive, which is about ten thousand yuans per year. You may adjust your adaptation in Shanghai diffficultly. There is culture challenge setting in front of you such as a different city, school, teacher , as well as classmates.

In view of above reasons, there is one point you must clarify beforehand. If your parents could afford the high school fee, if I were you, I would choose to move to Shanghai. You may get good general knowledge and common sense. If you stay with your parents, you will feel more comfortable and reliable. I always know you're good and respect your parents very much. So much encouragement received from your mum and dad do surely enlighten your hope tremendously. They love you. In such circumstances you will be more successful and happier in the days and years to come.

Hoping the above suggestions will help you!


2011年1月10日 星期一




2011年1月9日 星期日

Hong Kong is a small island

 Now I'm going to give a presentation of the topic of ‘Hong Kong is a small island', hope you'll like it.

Hong Kong is a small island but its sceneries are beautiful. Every year many tourists from all parts of the world visit Hong Kong. Hong Kong is wonderful in the daytime, but it's more amazing at night.

When the evening lights are lit, the electric bulbs are bright on the roads. You will see a glittery dragon winding its way around the Peak. It looks like a great Christmas tree. The tall buildings are lonely men waiting quietly in the darkness on the Peak. In the sky the moon is sitting leisurely beyond the stars. It looks like a noble green who is served by her maids. The moon is a large sparkling diamond surrounded by plenty of little gleaming diamonds. Distance from the Peak, you can neither divide the peak nor the sky. It seems as if there were many diamonds in the far away area.

When you are crossing the Victoria Harbour in the Star ferry, you'll see lights from the shore reflect on the sea. The red, blue, green, purple diamonds are floating in the dark sea. Some ferries cross by leaving stretches of silver chains on it. You can't stop to think whether they are true or false as you are floating in the ferry from Tsimshatsui to the Central District at nights. At that time, you can't help admitting you are in a world of diamonds!

Thank you.











一冷一熱,一晚中遇上兩種不同的遭遇,截然不同。我們成年人到社會上工作,應該持有愛心熱忱,就好像這天的晚上,那間有懶惰侍應的首間錯入的酒樓,留給顧客的印象是冷漠的,顧客肯光顧的才怪啊!所以説得好:「愛心是送給別人最好的禮物。」是正確的,無往而不利的。你同意嗎? (870字)

Mary 姐