2013年1月23日 星期三



2013年1月13日 星期日

Advantages and disadvantages of credit cards

Advantages and disadvantages of credit cards
There are numerous spectacular advantages as well as disastrous disadvantages of credit cards.  Many people benefit from them but some do not.  Why?  The reasons are listed in the following paragraphs.
Credit cards are convenient, safe and easy to carry.  The users may not need to carry a lot of cash.  Monthly statements to users will let them keep track of the ways they spend the money.  Some of the credit cards offer interest free payment or period of up to fifty-six days to pay back.  There’s no need to exchange for a lot of money in the other currencies when one gets overseas.
Some shops team up with the banks to give interest-free installments for the consumers.  For example, the purchase of electrical items such as refrigerators, air-conditioners; other items are computers, cars, lorry, gas equipments …etc.   Some institutions even offer the interest free services to users.  The examples are tourist companies, movements of houses companies, cosmetics, beauty salons…etc.  These attractions are widely and especially welcomed by the employees and citizens of Hong Kong holding the credit cards. 
E-shopping is encouraged by many companies.  They usually use credit cards as forms of pay-back for ordering products and services.  For example, the cinemas and gift campanies provide such services.
It is considered fashionable to spend by credit cards.  Thus, a favorable status is created.  The customers directly get the privileges of discounts into the price.  Bonus points are earned.  Fabulous prices are offered to the users.  Coupons are sometimes given.  They provide special discount for certain products.  Direct credit is usually given into the account, too.
Lastly, the credit cards service boost the local economy for it creates lots of job opportunities, for example, the customers’ service hotlines.  It is desirable as a solution to the immediate financial problem. The customers pay back the money after pay day so that enough time is granted to the users.
However, the disadvantages of credit cards are evidently disastrous.  It is because of people’s carelessness and overdraft in spending money.  The large sums of money to be paid back to the banks form very heavy burden.  Some youngsters over-spend just because of vanity.  They think that using credit cards is a form of glory and showing superior status among their friends.
Credit cards are useful ‘weapons’ in this modern world.  They help us to live more freely and leisurely.  However, we must take note of their dangerous disadvantages they bring to us.  If something is used correctly, it will be of benefit.  If used incorrectly, it will do harm.  Just as the famous Chinese proverb says, “The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.”  In case of credit cards, there is genuine truth in it.

2013年1月5日 星期六






吸煙對我們的健康是有害的。在每包香煙上都印有一個口號:香港特區政府忠告市民,吸煙有害健康,這意味著香港特區政府決心阻止市民吸煙。這當然包括十幾歲的吸煙者。事實上,香港特區政府已經推出了非常高的香煙稅項導致香煙的價格顯著上升。例如,購買價HK $ 13(不抽稅)香煙已達到港幣55元正(已抽稅)。因為經濟能力的原因,很多香港青少年最終也戒掉吸煙。






Mary 姐


Is tax increase an effective way to discourage teenage smokers?

Assignment 7

Is tax increase an effective way to
discourage teenage smokers?

Yes, tax increase is an effective way to discourage teenage smokers.
“Tax increase to cigarettes” is definitely an effective preventive measure against the youngsters taking cigarettes in HK.  The young generations should be discouraged to take cigarettes for their own well-beings.  Moreover, tax increased cigarettes set a sample for the teenage smokers to void for terrible burden.
Smoking is harmful to our health.  There is a slogan “Smoking is hazardous to your health” printed on each packet of cigarettes which means the HKSAR Government is determined to discourage the citizens from taking cigarettes.  It certainly includes the teenage smokers.  In fact, the HKSAR Government has launched very high tax on cigarettes which result in the cigarettes’ prices rising significantly.  For example, purchase price HK$13 (without tax) for a packet of cigarettes has reached HK$55 (with tax).  Ultimately, many HK teenage smokers have quit smoking because of the economical reason.
 Smoking in official functions has an unfavorable appearance, especially the girls and women.  Smoking hinders their health growth up.  Smoking is extremely dangerous to the females who are pregnant.  In fact, smoking may lead the babies to die in the uterus.  Because of this stressful reason, many pregnant teenage smokers will wisely quit smoking.  This action relatively helps them.  They will be released from the tax increased cigarettes.  You know, cigarettes are luxury items, too.  Congratulations to those who have changed their mind.  They lead a hopeful life.
HKSAR government has launched the campaign of ‘No Smoking in Public Areas’ for many years.  This regulation sets upon parks, corridors, bus-terminus, restaurants, train stations, peak-tram areas, offices, hospitals, clinics, secondary and primary schools ….etc.    Fines will be executed if anyone breaks the law.  In fact, there are many law enforcement actions being carried out in recent years.  Since the non-smoking areas are so limited in number, many teenage smokers find it inconvenient to take cigarettes.  They have to find a right place, a far-away spot to take it.  Gradually they are tired of finding these locations.  In addition, they may think that the tax increased cigarettes are too expensive.  With these un-enjoyable reasons, they stop smoking.
 High price in cigarettes also helps the parents.  Once they know their children are taking cigarettes, pocket money will be decreased.  Since the tax increased cigarettes are so unaffordable, they will escape themselves from taking cigarettes.
Tax increase on cigarettes is certainly a good regulation for the teenage smokers.  So, HKSAR government has been encouraged to enforce it forever.
Thank you.

(458 words)