Title : More love, love more.
Dear all,
I was a Form 5B student of Confucian Tai Shing Secondary School in 1971. Now I'm going to give a presentation on the above subject of ‘more love, love more’.
My previous Form 5 classmates and I would like to make it a special occasion this year which happens to be the 40th anniversary after graduation from Confucian Tai Shing Secondary School in 1971. How many ‘40 years’ can we have in our lives? I think you're sure of the answer. We'll arrange several activities to celebrate this valuable friendship. Well, let us start from the very beginning.
There is more love, there'll be more happiness. How will you be feeling love in your heart? Beauty helps to connect us to love. At any moment, try to find the old memories of five beautiful things. No matter where you are, they'll be there. Maybe, it's the words and pictures that appear in the commemorative book of ‘Sunrise Society 昇社 of Confucian Tai Shing Secondary School 1971', or the way the light which fell on the pathway of the doors of the classrooms 5A and 5B. Maybe, it's the words in The Confucian Analects that you didn't notice after your Form 5 graduation in 1971, or the smell of the dense bushes in Morse Park, Wong Tai Sin, that you wandered about many times in 1971. Maybe it's the steam rising from the hot bowl of ham macaronis that you purchased in those old days from a small 'cha chan teng' nearby in Tai Shing Street, or your favourite teachers' voices in the school terms of 1971 in Tai Shing School.
Love more, you'll see your friends' faces light up, then you'll feel more love flowing through you. It's wonderful to try to give compliments to your 1971 classmates such as ‘you did a great job.” Or utter pleasantly other inspiring words such as ‘You have an incredible ability to make everyone feel at ease and welcomed.” By the way, there'll be a trip, a re-visit of Tai Shing School building and a celebration dinner spreading over three days' time. They're being planned in the meeting by the five members in the CRC Club, Tin Hau, in the evening of 12.5.2011.
To encourage more participation of 1971 classmates in this special event, we are glad to propose a theme of the 40th graduation anniversary as “Tai Shing 1971 welcome you : More love.love more" or in Chinese “大成1971歡迎你:愛.多一點點”. Every encouragement from you will be received gratefully. Your every presence will be welcome.
I appreciate the opportunity to write this passage. I derive from it much pleasure. I'm certain that this'll be added up to my wonderful and lovely memories. Enthusiasm is a great force. One's soul will expand if one devotes oneself to a noble cause. So it's wise to do the right thing. Don't miss this golden opportunity to see your old friends and classmates! Join hands with your 1971 classmates to make this year's anniversary a special success and joyfulness.
If you have questions, please call :
Mr. Adrian Hung, Ms Cannie Tong, Ms Clara Ho, Ms Mary Lau.
Look forward to meet you soon. Thank you.
Mary Lau