2011年8月31日 星期三








多麼歡樂之旅程啊!雖然我們開始的旅程為13小時的英國航空公司飛往倫敦班機,然後轉機到羅馬另外需要兩個小時,但是我們還是有了一個可愛的回憶。食物是好的。我們喝紅葡萄酒和白葡萄酒,我們夫婦兩人意想不到「飛機餐」有如此的令人歡欣的菜餚。他們是“火雞麵”配搭紅蘿蔔,雞肉,辣椒片;牛肉與土豆,薯仔、咖喱; 還有甜點、可口可樂、各種汽水,紅茶及咖啡。

在第2天,最初的一站是羅馬(意大利)。我們參觀了梵蒂岡。裡面有聖彼得大教堂,它是用了一百五十年來建築成的。梵蒂岡是一個宗教國家,由羅馬主教 - 教宗裁定。導遊說:梵蒂岡是一個「城中之國」。聖伯多祿廣場建築很宏偉。我不能忘記的是聖彼得大教堂。聖彼得大教堂擁有世界上最大的室內基督教教會。聖彼得被視為其中一個最神聖的天主教網站。接著藍色的晴空無雲,我們拍攝了很多漂亮的照片。

接著,我們到達羅馬 Rorum,鬥獸場,阿科迪科斯坦蒂諾,然後許願泉。 Trevin Fountien是一個巨大的噴泉古蹟。旁邊大理石雕像栩栩如生。我喜歡他們。導遊說,如果拋一個歐元硬幣到噴泉及心裏擁有最甜蜜的祝願,你的希望會成真!晚上居住在:Hotel Best Western Park。

在第3天,第一站是米開朗基羅廣場,佛羅倫斯和羅馬;佛羅倫斯的風景很美麗,那裏有紅色屋頂的房子和典雅的建築技術。在中心廣場,有一個很大的教堂。我曾經在電視看見它。我喜歡整個廣場。有一個大理石 “完美的男人- 大衛” 矗立在上面的方形平台上。 “他”很英俊。我們還拍了很多照片。在同一天,我們到達了比薩斜塔。該塔的高度是55.86米(183.27英尺)從地面偏低和56.70米(186.02英尺)偏高。真有趣!晚上居住地為 Hotel Crown Plaza Pavdova。

第4天是一個偉大的日子。我們抵達威尼斯,聖馬可廣場與宮殿和教堂。在威尼斯餐廳裏,我們吃了一個奇怪的菜餚- 黑色墨汁烏賊意大利粉。我不喜歡它。居住地為 Hotel Innstruck 。

第5天 - 我們參觀 Innstruck奧地利。 Innstruck是奧地利最大的城市之一。我們還參觀了Vandz或其他名稱“小郵票王國”。公民都非常富有,稅率是世界最低的。然後,在瑞士,我們參觀了施華洛世奇水晶世界。有許多種晶體,包括世界上最大和最小的水晶。居住地:Hotel Grand Europe。

第6天我們去盧塞恩(琉森),琉森橋,英格堡高地和一些地方。沿途風景美麗絶倫,一間間精緻的玩具屋似的房屋建築在如圖畫般的一片片廣大的綠色的草坪上,令人心曠神怡,嘆為觀止;然後我們乘坐旋轉360度吊車到達山峯--瑞士的鐵力士峰。我們到達山頂 10000英尺的高度。我們影了很多漂亮的照片。它的風光景色遠比香港昂平360更美。我們參觀了一些值得關注的商店,塔和教堂。居住地:Hotel Novotel Beaune。

第7天我們去了巴黎。我們到達了我們的夢想巔峰的艾菲爾鐵塔。這是蔚為壯觀的。但是,我們並沒有喜歡附近簡陋的街道;艾菲爾鐵塔在晚上特別有吸引力。它發出金黃的顏色。然後,我們來到畫家村所在的聖心大教堂。還光顧那裏著名的自助洗手間。晚上居住地:Hotel Holiday Inn。

第8天我們參觀了拿破崙墓,凱旋門,羅浮宮,然後悠閒地在荷蘭購物。 1806年,拿破崙一世構思古代羅馬和圖案後而建築凱旋門,專為榮耀他的帝國軍隊。紀念碑站立50米(164英尺)的高度,45米(148英尺)寬,22米(72英尺)深。後來,我們在塞納河上乘遊船遊覽。塞納河是法國一個主要的河流和商業航道。它是776公里(486英里)長。沿著河流有很多好看的建築物。因此,我們打算影許多照片。由於相機缺少電池,我們只影了數張相片。晚上居住地:Hotel Holiday Inn。

在第9天,我們在巴黎和比利時自由地和優閒地購物。我買了一些比利時“戈黛娃”巧克力。布魯塞爾是比利時首都,也是歐洲聯盟(歐盟)主要機關總部。這也是比利時最大的城市區域。我們在布魯塞爾大廣場周圍徘徊。我們攝取一些故事中和地方上漂亮的照片和錄像。居住地:Hotel Holiday Inn。

第10天,我們走訪布魯塞爾部分地區。然後我們去了在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹。阿姆斯特丹是荷蘭的首都,它也是荷蘭最大的城市,金融和文化資本的中心點。我們參觀了一個小漁村,那裡非常漂亮。我們攝影了一些令人難忘的照片。居住地:阿姆斯特丹的Hotel Schiphol。

第11天,我們參觀了堤壩廣場、紅燈區、新土堅斯風車村及阿姆斯特丹的風車。不得不提是斯堡中的風車、木屐廠和奶酪廠。我買了一些煙芝士,這是非常可口的奶酪。我們有機會看到在5分內就製作出一隻木屐的奇妙工序,輔助的只是一台機器吧了!當晚居住地是Holiday Inn Hotel。

第12天 - 我們從阿姆斯特丹乘搭飛機到達倫敦。我們參觀倫敦塔橋 – 白金漢宮 - 聖保羅大教堂 - 大笨鐘 - 國會大廈。雖然只是在圍牆外參觀,我們也很高興。最後參觀了鑽石樓、及附近的一個大草地。畢竟,英國的大英博物館是非常擁擠的,遊客,導遊,居民們對古蹟和木乃伊很感興趣的。我拍了一些照片,我很高興地注意到,有中國導遊被安排講解展品。然後我們有一個美味的“點心”午餐,那間酒樓是座落在倫敦的「唐人街」。名稱是「頂好大酒樓」。

第13天 - 我們乘飛機從倫敦到香港。而“空中餐”也非常美味。我們在香港時間下午3時30分到達香港。





Mary 姐


2011年8月30日 星期二



The eighteen countries of Western Europe as defined by the National Geographic Society are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom with about a population of four hundred and ten millions of people.

Now I'm going to give a presentation of our 13-day very enjoyable tour to West Europe from 12th to 24th of August, 2011.



What a cheerful tour! Although we started our journey with a 13-hour-fly to London by British Airway and then transited to Rome for another two hours, we had a lovely memory. The food was good. We took some red wine and white wine with couples of unexpected admirable dishes. They were the ‘turkey noodle’ with red carrot, chicken, pepper slides; beef with potatos, curry, desserts, coca-cola, various kinds of soft drink, red tea, and coffee.

On the day 2, the initial stop was Rome (Italy). We visited Vatican. Inside it, there is the St. Peter Basilica which was built for one hundred and fifty years to complete it. Vatican is an ecclesiastical state, ruled by the Bishop of Rome – the Pope. St. Peter's Square is marvelous. I couldn't forget the Saint Peter's Basilica. Saint Peter's Basilica has the largest interior of any Christian church in the world. Saint Peter's is regarded as one of the holiest Catholic sites. With the blue clear sky and no clouds at all, we took many pretty photos.

Second, we reached Rome Rorum, Colosseum-Arco Di Costantino, then Trevi Fountien. Trevin Fountien is a fountain with various huge monuments. The marble statues are lifelike. I like them. The tour guide said by dropping a EUR- coin into the fountain with a dearest wish in your heart, your hope would come true! Residence : Hotel Best Western Park.

On the day 3, the first stop was Florence and Michelangelo Square in Rome. The scenery is very beautiful with houses of red roofs and elegant building techniques. In the centre of the Square, there is a big church. I'd seen it in television before. I love the whole square. There is a marble status of ‘Perfect man – David’ standing above the square on the platform. ‘He' is very handsome. We also took a lot of beautiful photos. Next, we went to the Pisa Leaning Tower on the same day. The height of the tower is 55.86 m (183.27 ft) from the ground on the low side and 56.70 m (186.02 ft) on the high side. How interesting! Residence : Hotel Crown Plaza Padova.

Day 4 was a great day. We arrived at Venice, San Marco Plaza with palaces and churches. We took a strange cuisine/spaghetti of black ink of cuttlefish in a Venice restaurant. I didn't like it at all. Residence : Hotel Innstruck.

Day 5 - we visited Innstruck of Austria. Innstruck is one of the biggest cities of Austria. We also visited Vandz or its another name as‘The little stamp kingdom’. The citizens there are very rich and the tax rate is the lowest in the world. We then visited the Swarovski Crystal World in Switzerland. There are many kinds of crystals including the biggest and the smallest crystals in the world. Residence : Hotel Grand Europe.

On day 6 we went to Luzern
(琉森), Chapel Bridge (琉森湖), Engelberg and some places. Then we were on rotair cable cars to reach the Mt. Titlis of Switzerland. We reached the top of 10,000 feet height. We took many pretty photos. The scenery is much more beautiful than the Ngong Ping 360 in Hong Kong. We had some visits to Watch Shops, towers and churches. Residence : Hotel Novotel Beaune.

Day 7 we went to Paris. We reached our dream peak of Eiffel Tower. It is magnificent. However, we did not like the streets nearby as they were shabby. The Eiffel Tower is especially attractive at nights. It is in golden colour. We then went to Painter Village where the Sacred Heart Cathedral's situated. Residence : Hotel Holiday Inn.

On day 8 we visited Napoleon tomb, Arc De Troumphe
(凱旋門), Musée du Louvre (羅浮宮), and then went shopping in Holland. In 1806, Napoleon I conceived of a triumphal arch patterned after those of ancient Rome and dedicated to the glory of his imperial armies. The monument stands 50 metres (164 ft) in height, 45 m (148 ft) wide and 22 m (72 ft) deep. Afterwards, we went site-seeing on Seine 塞纳河 in a canal cruise. The Seine is a major river and commercial waterway in France. It is 776 km (486 miles) long. There are many good-looking buildings alongside the river. As a result, we intended to take many photos. Because of lack of battery for our cameras, we only took a few of them. Residence : Hotel Holiday Inn.

On day 9, we were free for leisure of shopping in Paris and Belgium. I bought some 'Godiva' chocolates in Belgium. Brussels is the capital of Belgium and hosts the headquarters of the
European Union (EU). It's also the largest urban area in Belgium. We wandered around the Grand Place in Brussels. We took some pretty photos and videos, too. Residence : Hotel Holiday Inn.

On day 10, we visited some urban areas in Brussels. Then we went to Amsterdam in Holland. Amsterdam is the capital of Netherlands. It's also the largest city, the financial and cultural capital of the Netherlands. We visited a small fishing village where was very beautiful. We took some unforgettable photos. Residence : Hotel Schiphol in Brussels.

Day 11 -We visited the Dam Square, Red District, Schans-Windmill in Amsterdam. Mention had to be made of the Clog Factory and the Cheese Factory of Schans-Windmill. I bought some smoke-cheese which was very delicious. We had the chance to see the making of a clog within 5-minute-time by a machine! Residence: Hotel Holiday Inn.

Day 12 – we flied to London on plane from Amsterdam. We visited Tower Bridge - Backingham Palace - St. Paul Cathedral – Big Ben – Parliament House. We finally visited the Diamond House nearby the large grassland. After all, the British Musuem is very crowded. The tourists, guides, residents are very interested in the ancient monuments and mummy. I took some photos, too. I was happy to note that a Chinese guide was arranged to explain the exhibits. We then had a great lunch of ‘dim-sums’ in the China Street in London namely ‘The No. One Restaurant’

Day 13 – we're on the plane from London to Hong Kong. The 'air-meals’were very tasty. We arrived at Hong Kong at HK time 3:30pm.

Somethings to be reminded, the prices of goods were very expensive in Europe. For example : EUR1 is just for a banana, EUR 4 for three buns, EUR 7.8 for an hamburger in Macdonald, EUR 24 for a box of ten small pieces of chocolate with paintings whereon the cover of a tin box; half pound or EUR0.7 or EUR 0.3 for a visit to washroom, EUR 7.5 for a small box of 3" x 3"vegetables only of carrot, cabbage, pepper, eggplant….etc. On the whole, the dishes arranged by the Travel Co. were okay. I like the French snails and the nice vegetable dishes very much.

In view of the above happy events, our expectations were all fulfilled.
Thank you.

(A Chinese version will be followed later on)

(The no. of words in this article is 1200 words)

2011年8月27日 星期六

An enjoyable tour to West Europe

London - The Big Ben

An enjoyable tour to West Europe

What a wonderful tour! I and my husband enjoyed our tour to West Europe very much.

After on freight for 13 hours, we took two delicious 'air' meals on the plane. Although the plane's full, I couldn't forget its joyfulness. I was flying in the clouds!

From Rome to Paris, from Switzerland to Belgium, from Germany to London, from Titlis to galerieslafayette, from Tower Bridge to the Big Ben, from France to Italy, Austria to Liechtenstein, from Netherland to United Kingdom, from Holland to Luzen were all in one word - "Great!!!!"

Lovely heart,




Title : More love, love more.

Dear all,

I was a Form 5B student of Confucian Tai Shing Secondary School in 1971. Now I'm going to give a presentation on the above subject of ‘more love, love more’.

My previous Form 5 classmates and I would like to make it a special occasion this year which happens to be the 40th anniversary after graduation from Confucian Tai Shing Secondary School in 1971. How many ‘40 years’ can we have in our lives? I think you're sure of the answer. We'll arrange several activities to celebrate this valuable friendship. Well, let us start from the very beginning.

There is more love, there'll be more happiness. How will you be feeling love in your heart? Beauty helps to connect us to love. At any moment, try to find the old memories of five beautiful things. No matter where you are, they'll be there. Maybe, it's the words and pictures that appear in the commemorative book of ‘Sunrise Society 昇社 of Confucian Tai Shing Secondary School 1971', or the way the light which fell on the pathway of the doors of the classrooms 5A and 5B. Maybe, it's the words in The Confucian Analects that you didn't notice after your Form 5 graduation in 1971, or the smell of the dense bushes in Morse Park, Wong Tai Sin, that you wandered about many times in 1971. Maybe it's the steam rising from the hot bowl of ham macaronis that you purchased in those old days from a small 'cha chan teng' nearby in Tai Shing Street, or your favourite teachers' voices in the school terms of 1971 in Tai Shing School.

Love more, you'll see your friends' faces light up, then you'll feel more love flowing through you. It's wonderful to try to give compliments to your 1971 classmates such as ‘you did a great job.” Or utter pleasantly other inspiring words such as ‘You have an incredible ability to make everyone feel at ease and welcomed.” By the way, there'll be a trip, a re-visit of Tai Shing School building and a celebration dinner spreading over three days' time. They're being planned in the meeting by the five members in the CRC Club, Tin Hau, in the evening of 12.5.2011.

To encourage more participation of 1971 classmates in this special event, we are glad to propose a theme of the 40th graduation anniversary as “Tai Shing 1971 welcome you : More love.love more" or in Chinese “大成1971歡迎你:愛.多一點點”. Every encouragement from you will be received gratefully. Your every presence will be welcome.

I appreciate the opportunity to write this passage. I derive from it much pleasure. I'm certain that this'll be added up to my wonderful and lovely memories. Enthusiasm is a great force. One's soul will expand if one devotes oneself to a noble cause. So it's wise to do the right thing. Don't miss this golden opportunity to see your old friends and classmates! Join hands with your 1971 classmates to make this year's anniversary a special success and joyfulness.

If you have questions, please call :
Mr. Adrian Hung, Ms Cannie Tong, Ms Clara Ho, Ms Mary Lau.

Look forward to meet you soon. Thank you.

Mary Lau